Ingeniux Accessibility Tips

Accessibility Tips

  1. It all starts with content. The information written in your website should be as simple and as plain as possible for easy comprehension. Avoid writing long sentences and paragraphs. The visually challenged users depend on different tools like screen readers or magnification features to help read your content.
  2. Use proper content formatting. Use headers to help create an outline for the page. Proper use of headers and subheadings can help screen readers and search engines understand how information is outlined in the page.
  3. Add text descriptions for images, videos, etc. Images and videos cannot be “read” by a screen reader, but text descriptions can help visually impaired people to understand the meaning of these multimedia elements. Use alt texts or caption to define an image. Spacer images and design graphics can be left out.
  4. Create lists with simple numbering.Use small lists instead of mega lists. Also, limit using nested lists.
  5. Acronyms should be spelled out. This should be a writing habit for everyone. During the first time you mention the acronym, you should spell it out, write it in full. It wouldn’t hurt to write it again on another part of the content.
  6. No need for tables. Tables are good for processing data and getting it organized, but when it comes to accessibility, it’s a big no-no. Because of its non-linear properties, screen readers and other accessibility devices cannot parse or understand the data on the page.