Upload Zoom Recordings to OneDrive

To DOWNLOAD your recordings from Zoom, follow the directions listed here
To UPLOAD your recordings to OneDrive, follow the directions below:
  1. Visit Outlook.office365.com/mail and login with your RC email account and password  Outlook Sign-In Page
  2. Select the waffle icon in the upper left corner. Under Apps > Select OneDriveWaffle Icon
  3. Select New > Folder > Create a name for the folder
  4. Open your newly created folder and select Upload > Files
  5. Select the file you would like to upload. To select multiple files, hold the CTRL key.
  6. In the right-hand corner, you will see Uploading # Item(s).
    Note: it may take several minutes to upload large files.
  7. Once complete, the recording(s) will be viewable in the new folder.