When you are using your computer, there are many options for what web browser you would like to use. However, if you have a desktop shortcut to a link, or click on a link in an e-mail, it will automatically open in your default browser. For programs such as Colleague(Datatel), you must use Internet Explorer so setting your default web browser to Internet Explorer would be the easiest choice.
- On the lower left hand side of your screen, click on the start menu.
- In the light grey search box, type default programs
- You should see a result that reads: Default Programs: Desktop App
- Click on the result to open the program
- Here you can set your default programs for web browser, e-mail, video files, music files, photos and maps.
- Changes will apply automatically so once you are finished changing your defaults you can close the window.
If you have any questions or difficulty, please contact the Helpdesk at 540-375-2225 or helpdesk@roanoke.edu.