What is Roanoke College’s MaroonGuest WiFi Network?
WiFi computer networking technology allows computers to send and receive internet data via a wireless network. Roanoke College has installed secure 802.11a/c wireless standard access points in all campus buildings. If your device is WiFi enabled, you can connect to the internet wirelessly while you are on campus.
How do I access MaroonGuest?
After a guest goes through a brief authentication process that requires them to enter their name and email address, Roanoke College’s MaroonGuest WiFi network allows access to outside internet resources.
What equipment do I need to access the internet?
- A laptop computer with wireless capability
- A smart phone or tablet (iOS, Android, and Windows devices are supported)
What operating systems are supported?
- OS X 10.9 or greater
- Windows Vista or higher
Connecting to Wireless
- Use your device’s standard procedure to select available wireless networks and connect to the one named “MaroonGuest”
- You will then see a pop up that says “Welcome to MaroonGuest”
- If there is no pop up, open your favorite internet browser to see “Welcome to MaroonGuest” page
- Click “Create an Account”, if you do not already have one
- Enter your name, email address, and create a password to use to sign into the MaroonGuest wireless network
- Select “Create an Account”
- You will be brought back to the sign in page; enter the email address and password you just used
- You will see a message that says “You are now connected to the internet”
*Please note that if you are visiting campus for more than one day, you will be required to sign into the MaroonGuest wireless network each day using the same email address and password that you created.*
Having Trouble?
The Helpdesk can provide basic help with these instructions. For more complex issues, consult your owner’s manual or contact your manufacturer’s support website or customer support number.